"There’s just something about the male sex, isn’t there? Maybe it’s their stature, or their strength, or that deep voice and rough manner– whatever it is, they are somehow capable of making women nervous and at ease all at once. And you know what? I think it’s AWESOME that you are shy around guys! It says that you have a healthy respect of them. I truly believe that deep down every man wants to feel like a warrior and every woman wants to feel like a princess.


There are so many things out there in the world today that tell girls they have to be “tough” and “pursuant” if they want guys to like them. In fact, I just read something in a teen magazine yesterday that was telling girls how to “pretend they don’t like a guy” and “play it cool, so he doesn’t know.” These things are not only manipulative, but they are damaging. Our feminine hearts were meant to be vulnerable and protected, not tough and “independents.” Those things are a lie. The truth is: a REAL MAN will want a woman who is soft and vulnerable… after all, how can a guy be a warrior if the princess is defending herself? Men were made to defend.


Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying “roll over and let guys walk all over you.” Stand up for yourself and be strong and be a pioneer and be brave, but don’t lose your femininity in that. Don’t lose your ability to be vulnerable, because vulnerability is BEAUTIFUL. So, the guy you like is just sitting around waiting for YOU to make the first move? Well, chances are that if he’s not willing to take the first risk and ask YOU out, he’s not going to be willing to take risks to defend and protect you during your relationship. And that will NOT be fun. You’ll end up feeling let down, and he’ll end up feeling like a coward. And you are too precious for that! You deserve to be pursued (contrary to everything you may read or hear about the “modern woman”).


REMEMBER: You are a rare gem, precious and deeply loved. You don’t have to advertise yourself or convince guys that you are worth dating. If a guy needs convincing, he’s not the one for you. The man who IS right for you will be able to see past any “shyness” (which he will think is wonderful, by the way), and he’ll fall in love. Meanwhile, don’t let your identity be defined by whether or not guys like you. KNOW the truth, BELIEVE it, even when you’re not “feeling” it, and the right one will come along when you least expect it! After all, wouldn’t you rather be surprised?" - Bethany Joy Lenz


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