Tredje dagen på jobbet och nu är det bara två kvar innan helg. Det var ett tag sedan jag uppskattade helgen nu eftersom jag har varit ledig sedan skolan slutade. Har verkligen njutit av det och behövt vara ledig! Jobbar sju till fyra varje dag så det är tidiga mornar även för en morgonpigg person som jag. Jag har varit ute på en springtur, styrketränat, ätit middag och tittat på pll i eftermiddag/kväll. Väldigt härligt faktiskt! Nu ska jag gå ner och förbereda middagen till jobbet imorgon. Ha det bäst så hörs vi!

You have to fight for it

Grey's Anatomy, quotes
We need different

Pretty Little Liars, quotes
Love does

It doesn't happen just like that

Peyton Sawyer 5x15
It's official

One Tree Hill, quotes season 5
Success is wonderful, but love is everything

One Tree Hill, quotes season 5
Self-doubt is always there

One Tree Hill, quotes season 2
In return

One Tree Hill, quotes season 2
They can't, they don't

Pretty Little Liars, quotes
Sure thing

Pretty Little Liars, quotes
Almost always right

"You can seek the advice of others, surround yourself with trusted advisors. But in the end, the decision is always yours and yours alone. And when it's time to act and you're all alone with your back against the wall, the only voice that matters is the one in your head. The one telling you what you already knew. The one that's almost always right". - Meredith Grey
That's how we do it

Grey's Anatomy, quotes
Back to normal

And I just wanna go back to when things were normal". - Izzie Stevens
Did I?

"I second-guess myself all the time. I make a decision and then wonder if I made the wrong choice." - Kate Walsh
People, really

Grey's Anatomy, quotes
It's yours to live

Don't let anyone change your ideas, dreams, or life. It's yours to live with purpose & intention. Be YOU... Everything that is uniquely YOU. There is only one and this world needs it. So shine on! - Shantel Vansanten
That kind of person

One Tree Hill, quotes season 1
Those worst places

"I just think that you should try to think positive and not let your mind wander to those worst places." - Quinn James
We all regret things

One Tree Hill, quotes season 1