Let her be everything, because she is everything. ♥
Why aren't we?

"We all want to be loved...to be happy. So why aren't we? Because we've become experts at sabotaging our own happiness. Feeling like victims, when in fact it's the choices we make, the bad habits, the vices, the inability to show love and compassion. These are the things that tear us down. We're not victims. We're assassins when it comes to love and happiness." - Dan Scott
Don't let them

"Nobody can take anything from you unless you let them." - Peyton Sawyer
The good in people

"I wished that we'd always find the good in our lives." - Haley James Scott
They will always be special to me


Haley James Scott has and will always be my absolute favorite character. ♥
My other sis

"My other sis. U already know @joylenz." - Antwon Tanner about Bethany Joy Lenz

Here's to the strong women. The powerful women. The women who fight for themselves and for everyone they care about. Here's to the women who believe that somewhere out there is something better. Something worth fighting for.
We missed you

Joy & Shantel about what they would like to change about the final episode of One Tree Hill.
The Comet

"When you fixed my car, you fixed my heart"
Me and my sis

"Nobody beats me and my sis. This is what we do! Love this girl ♥." - Antwon Tanner about Hilarie Burton

"If coolness was measured in calories, she'd be a Cinnabon." - Robert Buckley about Hilarie Burton

Att Shantel och Robert faktiskt skriver Clinn (deras karaktärer Quinn och Clay i serien, alltså deras couplename) i Paris får nog varenda OTH fan att börja gråta. Dem älskar verkligen One Tree Hill precis lika mycket som vi.
Once a family, always a family

The cast at FWTP3 ♥

Michael Grubbs & Kate Voegele

"Spending time with my sis @joylenz makes my soul MOST happy! #loveyousis #jamesgirls." - Shantel Vansanten
The girl with the pretty smile

Alex Dupre
Always my favorites

True Love Always

♥ Leyton ♥
Those labels

Brooke Davis 4x13